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It’s really easy to set up your voicemail as a new customer, or to make changes if you’ve had your voicemail for a while.
The first time you call 171, we will set up your voicemail so you’ll be able to receive and check your messages.
Setting up your voicemail pin
To change your pin number, press 3. You will be asked for your current pin number, if you have not set up your pin, this will be 1234. You can change your new pin number to any four digit number, except 1234.
If you have set up your pin, but forgotten it, you can contact Customer Care who will reset it for you.
You can record your own personal greeting by calling 171, and choosing option 2 on the main voicemail menu. Your voicemail is already set up with an automated greeting that callers will hear if you do not want to set up a personal greeting.