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Voicemail – How to Set it Up All new customer are set up with voicemail, and you only need to call 171 to personalise it. There are three steps to personalising your voicemail. Step 1: Setting up a Voicemail PIN number. Step 2: Personalised voicemail greeting. Step 3: Activating your call diverts.
When you first call your voicemail, you will be asked to choose a PIN number for your voicemail. You will need to use this PIN number if you are checking your voicemail messages from another line.
We recommend that you choose a number that is easy to remember.
If you want to change your voicemail PIN at any time, call 173 from your mobile phone.
Tesco Mobile already provides a default greeting but if you wish to record your own greeting, you can do so the first time you call 171, or at any other time by following the below steps.
Dial 172 from your mobile phone, then press 3 to select your Personal Options and then press 3 again to set up or change your personal greeting:
Press 1 to record a new personal greeting. Press 2 to listen to your current greeting. Press 3 to record a name tag. Press 4 to listen to your name tag.
How you set this up will vary according to your mobile phone.
You can also use the below short code to set up diverts: Dial **004*voicemail number# and call. Your Voicemail box number is your existing number with a “5” added after the mobile prefix. For example, if your number is 089 123 4567, then your voicemail number would be 089 5 123 4567.
If you would prefer not to have your voicemail service switched on, you can turn it off from your mobile phone. The steps for this will vary depending on what phone you have but for most phones you can take the following steps.
You will be notified by text when you receive a new voicemail message.
To listen to your messages, dial 171 from your mobile phone, and press option 1 to listen to your messages.
Alternatively, simply dial ##002# and press the call button, a message will be displayed when call diverts are cancelled.
Your mailbox can hold up to 10 minutes worth of messages. Old messages will be saved automatically, unless you delete them. We will send you a text message to let you know when your mailbox is full.
Just call 089 430 2000, then enter your mobile number and then your voicemail PIN.
There are 2 ways to be notified that you’ve been left a voicemail message. You can choose to be notified by text message, or by a call, or by both. To set this up, press 6, then choose the option for turning on or off these notification methods.
When travelling outside of Ireland if you receive a voicemail while abroad a charge will apply when you listen back to it by dialling 171.