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Clubcard Price €159.99Regular Price €199.99
Save €290 €9.99 on €45 Bill Pay Plan
By Registering your Prepay account, it gives you great flexibility in Topping up your account, checking your balances and purchasing Add-Ons should you need that extra Text or Data boost to get you through the month
The app is available for download from the Apple App Store or the Android Play Store, to quickly download it.
Just follow the simple steps and your done, and ready to manage your account any time any place anywhere.
The app is available for download from the App Store or Play Store.
Once logged into the Mobile App, click on more and select the Change Password option. Enter your current password followed by your new password, and then confirm your new password.
Now click on Change Password at the bottom of the screen.
If you have forgotten or need to reset your password, through the Self-Serve Mobile App. Click on the forgot password link at the login screen for the Self-Serve App.
You will be asked for your mobile number and your mother’s maiden name (in the case sensitive format you entered on registration).
You will then be sent a text with a new password.
If your password is locked, click on the 'Forgot Password' option at the login screen.