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We want all of our customers to be able to get the most from Tesco Mobile. Here are the services we already have available, but contact us if you need more information.
We offer a wide range of mobile phones with lots of accessible features. The list below will help you choose a phone that suits your needs. There’s also a link to an easy search function that helps you find suitable smartphone apps from the GARI website (Global Accessibility Reporting Initiative), and if you would like any help or advice, please contact us.
The GARI (Global Accessibility Reporting Initiative) website can help you find apps to help you and give you advice on the right device for you.
We can provide your bill in different formats; to find out more, and request the right billing format for you, please contact us.
The 112 SMS services lets deaf, hard of hearing and speed-impaired people in the Republic of Ireland send an SMS text message to the Emergency Call Answering Service (ECAS), where it will be passed to An Garda Síochána, the Ambulance service, the Fire service, or the Irish Coastguard. The ECAS operator will act as a relay between the texter and the required emergency service.
You must register for the service on
You can register your requirements including any authorised account contact information, product and service preferences, billing requirements, equipment preferences and preferred means of contact.
If you have a vision impairment and have difficulty reading the phone book, you can register to use a free directory enquiry service. Contact 1800 574 574 to obtain a registration form and once you have completed this, you will be sent a PIN number by post. Dial 196 and quote your name and PIN number to use this service.
Full details of the service can be found on
Please see a list of other organisations that may be useful